

Being a Mum, Dad or carer is one of the most important, rewarding jobs you can do. Supporting your child through life’s ups and downs brings challenges but also wonderful rewards.

We have created a list of useful contacts/Links with top tips and ideas of parenting your child’s behaviour in a nurturing way, which will enable you as parents to build positive relationships with your child.

Flying Start 

Flying Start helps families with children under 4 years old in disadvantaged areas of Wales. Help available includes:

  • part-time childcare for 2 to 3 year olds
  • an enhanced Health Visiting service
  • access to parenting programmes
  • support for children to learn to talk and communicate

Tel: 01407 767 781
Social Media -

Flying Start

Parental support

This includes:

  • Handbook for Parents
  • Applications for Nursery, Admissions and Year 7 for September, 
  • School transfer application
  • Access Policy
  • Brief details of School Transport Arrangements
  • List of Catchment Schools

Parenting Give it time

Free practical tips and expert advice for all your parenting challenges.

Parenting. Give it time. | GOV.WALES

Family Links is a national charity whose vision is for everyone to live an emotionally healthy life.​

Our mission is to promote an approach to life and relationships that equips and supports families* and communities to be emotionally healthy.​

Family Links – Resources for Parents

Tel - 01865 401800


Link - 

Social Media -

Links -

Natural Resources Wales / Health and wellbeing

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Ending physical punishment of children  

Ending physical punishment in Wales: information for parents 


Action for Children

Parent Talk Cymru – Free and confidential live chat with an experienced parenting coach.

Parent Talk Cymru

Free advice for parents and carers of children aged 0-19 in the UK. We can support up to age 25 where a child has special educational needs.

Whatever your background or experiences, we’re here for you. We know that everyone’s challenges are unique,and provide a welcoming space for all.  

Social Media -Action for Children | Facebook

Af C logo new


Relate - Blogs, resources, books and self-help tools for every relationship problem. 

Tel - 03000032340         

Email -

Social Media -

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Family Lives

Family Lives - Information and support for any aspect of parenting and family life, including bullying. 

Free helpline: 0808 800 2222.



‘Have a Helpline’ – 0808 800 5000 – if you have any concerns about a child’s safety or wellbeing. Helpline available 10am-4pm Monday-Friday:


The NSPCC ‘TAKE 5’ campaign provides hints and tips to help parents keep their cool in challenging parenting situations:  NSPCC Take 5

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Parenting Courses and Books

The following parenting courses have been shown to help families to have a stronger relationship with their child and promote good behaviour in the family. The organisations that have developed these courses also have books and online courses which you may find useful:

Incredible Years Books 

Link -Resources and Books for Parents - Incredible YearsIncredible Years

Family Links Books and Resources

Link -Resources for Parents | Family Links | Emotional Health Training

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