Being a Mum, Dad or carer is one of the most important, rewarding jobs you can do. Supporting your child through life’s ups and downs brings challenges but also wonderful rewards.
We have created a list of useful contacts/Links with top tips and ideas of parenting your child’s behaviour in a nurturing way, which will enable you as parents to build positive relationships with your child.
Flying Start
Flying Start helps families with children under 4 years old in disadvantaged areas of Wales. Help available includes:
part-time childcare for 2 to 3 year olds
an enhanced Health Visiting service
access to parenting programmes
support for children to learn to talk and communicate
The NSPCC ‘TAKE 5’ campaign provides hints and tips to help parents keep their cool in challenging parenting situations: NSPCC Take 5
Parenting Courses and Books
The following parenting courses have been shown to help families to have a stronger relationship with their child and promote good behaviour in the family. The organisations that have developed these courses also have books and online courses which you may find useful: