Speech, language and communication
Speech, language, and communication are significant areas of development for children. They play a vital role throughout our lives, helping us to understand what is going on around us day-to-day and express our feelings and emotions, and basic needs. They also help us to develop our relationships with others, having conversations with our family and friends; to think, learn and problem solve, and so much more.
If you want further information, here are some useful links that may be useful:
Tiny Happy People - Tiny Happy People is here to help you develop your child's language skills.
Talk with me - tools, tips and advice to help you get your little one talking.
Children's Service - Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board - Speech and language therapists work with children, their families and health and education professionals in a variety of settings which include community clinics, hospitals, mainstream and special schools, nurseries, and family homes.
Flying Start : Speech, language and communication support - Flying Start provides a range of support to get your child communicating, and learning to use language to become confident in expressing their wishes and feelings.
Speech and Language Therapy - Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board