Additional Information

Diogelu Plant

Safeguarding Children


Parental support – This includes:

Handbook for Parents

Applications for Nursery, Admissions and Year 7 for September, 

School transfer application

Access Policy

Brief details of School Transport Arrangements

List of Catchment Schools



Follow @EcoSchoolsWales on Twitter to see their weekly #EcoSchoolsAtHome theme.

Eco Sgolion

Hygiene Training

COURSE e-Bug Health Educator Training in English:

There is also a section for students which is divided into three subsections – Junior, Senior and Young Adult. Young Adult is available in English only. Each sub-sections contains information and activities that can be accessed at home by students with the support of parents and carers.


Anti bullying alliance - For Schools and Teachers. Access to our free online training and other information in relation to bullying


A video clip to demonstrate the effects of drugs


Drug Harm Reduction - Wedinos now provides a robust mechanism for the collection and testing of unknown / unidentified or new psychoactive substances and combinations of substances, and the production and dissemination of pragmatic harm reduction advice. Samples may now be submitted by anyone in Wales:

WEDINOS logo home


Don’t Touch – Tell! is a specialist drug and alcohol education programme, designed specifically for primary age children in North Wales:

Ash Wales

Our mission is to achieve a smokefree Wales – defined as just 5% still smoking – by striving for strong tobacco control policy and bold campaigns across Wales:

ASH Logo new border 01

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