Play and Activities

Anglesey Come and Play Guide

The ultimate guide to spaces for playing in Anglesey


Play Wales

Play Wales is the national charity for children's play. They work to raise awareness of children and young people's need and right to play and to promote good practice at every level of decision making and in every place where children might play.

They provide advice and guidance to support all those who have an interest in, or responsibility for providing for children's play so that one day Wales will be a place where we recognise and provide well for every child's play needs:

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Playful Childhood

Playful Childhoods is a campaign that aims to help parents and carers give children time, space and support to play at home and in their local community.


Play Sufficiency Assessment 

A childcare sufficiency assessment compares the supply of childcare in an area to the demand for childcare. Demand for childcare is based on the number of children in the area, and the average national usage. By comparing supply with demand, we can see whether there is a need for more childcare in an area.  For more information visit:

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Anglesey Babies and Toddlers Facebook Group  

A group to share ideas or ask for advice, Chat to others and get to know other parents who have children the same age as yours or live locally.


Babi Actif

Babi Actif co-ordinates a programme of sessions across Conwy, Gwynedd, Denbighshire and Anglesey, completely FREE of charge. Sessions are designed to get you and your baby outdoors and active and are delivered by qualified instructors.  The programme includes buggy walks, parent and baby fitness, cycling, jogging, sling walks, and outdoor sensory sessions, with the aim of helping new parents find an enjoyable outdoor activity. The emphasis is on having fun and being healthy with your baby, to lay the building blocks for a healthier future for you both.


Môn Actif  

A wide variety of leisure facilities are available for people of all ages and abilities and our prices represent excellent value for money. There are 4 centres across the island - join one and use them all. The Sport Development Team is part of our Leisure Service and they work with all sections of the community to provide opportunities for participation in sports. We have a team of dedicated officers who offer advice on funding, that deliver various sports coaching, training and activity programmes.


Sports Clubs

Sport Wales are the national organisation responsible for developing and promoting sport and physical activity in Wales.



Booktrust has resources and support to get every child reading, regularly and by choice.


Anglesey Youth Service 

Anglesey Youth Service works with anyone aged 11-19, regardless of gender, background or ability. There are 23 youth clubs throughout the island where young people from the age of 11 upwards can meet their friends for a chat and relax.

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Road Safety Skills for Children 

This webpage has been developed during the Covid-19 epidemic so that children can continue to develop their road safety skills and awareness: Road safety skills for children


Outdoor Activities 

Isle of Anglesey County Council's Countryside and AONB Team are organising these events.

The aim of the scheme is to improve opportunities for more people on Anglesey to achieve their potential through outdoor activities.

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Natural Resources Wales

Our aim is to get more children, young people and adults to appreciate and connect with nature in order to ensure ethical and informed citizens of today and the future.


Wild Elements

Wild Elements is a local, not-for-profit social enterprise dedicated to getting people in North Wales outdoors and connecting them to nature, improving their lives, opportunities and aspirations.


Small Woods

Woodland Health and Wellbeing Programme- wide range of woodland health & wellbeing activities.



RSPB There are loads of great ideas and resources to help kids and families connect with nature, with some simple activities they can do at home. In the “Fun and Learning” area there is a section for children that gives step by step guides to make bird feeders and “Spot it” sheets. There are also interactive games, stories and competitions.


Wildlife Trust

The focus on this website is looking after yourself and nature, and has lots of activities and ideas for all ages, whether they are indoors or in the garden:


Earthwatch ‘Wild Days’   

Resources created especially to help you spot the wildlife on your doorstep, free activity ideas.


Oriel Môn

Oriel Môn changes lives by caring for, interpreting and promoting Anglesey's unique heritage and culture.



The museum brings together social history collections from across north Wales.


Welsh language activities 

The Welsh language is a living language on Anglesey. With over half of the island's population able to speak Welsh, the language is alive in homes, in workplaces, and in our communities.

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You can try an array of new activities; go on trips or compete in the Eisteddfod.


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